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Dalian Dongshin Microwave Absorbers Co., Ltd.
{0} tahun
Liaoning, China
Produk utama: Penyerap Microwave, penyerap ruang Anechoic, penyerap karet, penyerap EMC, penyerap EMI



Established in 1998, DONGSHIN MICROWAVE is a Chinese company that specializes in researching and manufacturing microwave absorbers. We produce a wide range of microwave absorbers including the absorbers used to build anechoic chambers, used in microwave systems and components, and used for stealth purpose.

The founder, Prof. Zhou used to work in Dalian Institute of Chemical Physics, the Chinese Academy of Science, as the group leader of microwave absorbers. He devoted himself into the research of microwave absorbers since 60s’. He is one of the earliest researchers in this field in China.

DONGSHIN MICROWAVE has developed almost all the types of microwave absorbers based on different material, rubber, resin, plastic, polyurethane, polypropylene, polystyrene, nomex and etc.   


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